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Commitment to cleanliness

JUNE 23, 2020

Dear Friends,

THE LOT has continually placed an emphasis on health and safety for our guests and employees. We have always strived to provide the best possible out of home entertainment experience and environment at our venues with a high standard of cleanliness that is in our ethos.

The COVID-19 pandemic has required us to raise our standards to an even higher level with new protocols in place to address the current circumstances. We have reached out to gain insight on the changes that you would like to see implemented. We have also consulted with professionals, and will be adhering to guidelines provided by the CDC, federal, state, county, and local governments to determine how we can best mitigate the new normal, while executing the experience you have come to seek and love.


Below are just a few of the key components of THE LOT’s sanitation, social distancing protocols, and operational changes to expect when the time comes to welcoming you back.

  • Employee safety: All employees will be required to receive a temperature check and sign a waiver stating that they have not had any flu like symptoms nor have been in contact with anyone exhibiting symptoms in the past 14 days. We will also be requiring all employees to wear masks and gloves at all times.
  • Employee safety: All employees will be required to receive a temperature check and sign a waiver stating that they have not had any flu like symptoms nor have been in contact with anyone exhibiting symptoms in the past 14 days. We will also be requiring all employees to wear masks and gloves at all times.
  • Reduced capacity: In order to comply with social distancing guidelines in our auditoriums we will be opening in a limited capacity with staggered seating separating parties. This will all occur automatically when purchasing tickets and assured by a Cinema Manager upon theater load in. In our restaurant/bar/café areas, table and seating changes have been made to provide at least 6 feet of separation between parties and limit the amount of people per table and seating area. This will create a dynamic environment to best be able to provide the best experience possible.
  • Ticket purchase: We aim for all movie ticket purchases to be conducted through our mobile app or website to limit person-to-person interaction and provide a cashless environment. As always, our excellent staff will be available to provide assistance and take care of any issue.
  • Auditorium food and beverage service: To deliver the best possible service while adhering to social distancing guidelines, we aim for all food an beverage orders in our auditoriums to be placed through our revamped mobile app. Food and beverages will also be delivered in single use containers and individually wrapped items. Our staff will be on hand to help guide you through this process.

The steps we’re taking on cleanliness and social distancing protocols are as much about the health and safety of our employees as they are about our guests. If we’ve learned one thing during this pandemic, it is that we are all in this together. By taking care of employees and following these new protocols – we will be at once taking care of our guests and the community.